
Inspire People 🤩 Share With People 😍 Show Them The Way! 📱 ☀️

As a dog Caregiver to my people Caregivers who are Caregivers ...

I see and feel all the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial challenges that a Caregiver Lifestyle brings.

My mission is to encourage, motivate and support my Caregivers that I love and would lay my life down for and their Caregivers who they love and care for.

The most impactful aspect I see is the financial aspect. It makes a difference if there are funds in place. The need for income adds far more stress to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas.

Thus, I am taking it upon myself to share ways to be able to be with your loved one, providing the needed care, while also capitalizing on your strengths and abilities to be able to make income, especially residual income.